Achieving Equity in Technology

“Get out your Chromebooks” - that’s a common directive heard daily in Bexley 2nd through 12th grade classrooms. What seems commonplace now, all students having school issued laptops, did not exist until the start of the 2020-2021 school year. It took a pandemic and shift to distance learning to expose gaps and major inequities in access to technology for Bexley students. 

Closing that gap and fully integrating technology into the learning experience became a priority for the school district which turned to the Bexley Education Foundation to fund the initial purchase of 2,355 devices. By supplying each student with the same device, all students now have the same access and experience with technology. It didn’t take long for the transformation to occur as Bexley students are now using their devices to create, communicate, collaborate and engage in all kinds of learning activities both in and outside of the classrooms. 


Making Art