Growing Our Garden

Much like a garden, our Bexley Schools learning community requires careful attention to ensure that all students are not only growing but thriving. Teachers take the lead in these efforts and  they look to our foundation to provide additional resources to enrich the educational experience. These additional resources are made possible because of you, our donors, partners and special friends. Thanks to you, great things happen everyday in Bexley classrooms and in schools across the school district. Foundation grants and programs help stir the imagination, encourage curiosity and discovery and help shape futures.  

Please consider making a gift to the foundation’s Annual Fund for Excellence this year. With your support we can sustain our forty plus year commitment to the Bexley students and teachers. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. To make a gift online visit here.

Help Maintain Our Garden…You can nurture our garden of Bexley learners with a monthly gift to the foundation. When you make a monthly recurring gift on-line you become an important partner in supporting our work. 

Thank you!


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