Nex-Gen Grantmakers
The Foundation’s Youth Philanthropy Program (YPP), now in its 12th year, provides Bexley High School juniors and seniors the opportunity to learn about local nonprofits and the philanthropic grants making process. Since the start of the school year, YPP students have heard from various nonprofit and foundation leaders including, Dan Sharpe VP for Community Research & Grants Management at The Columbus Foundation, Brandy Jemczura, Founder of Seeds of Caring and Rhoe Fields, Assistant VP of Community Relations & Philanthropy for Bath & Body Works. The remaining “learning lunches” for YPP students this fall will focus on grant writing and reviewing in preparation for the students reviewing grant applications submitted by high school and middle school staff. Since the program’s inception in 2012, YPP student grant makers have awarded over $55,000 to support BHS and BMS teacher and student-initiated projects and programs. Funding support for the student grant making program comes from the Foundation’s Charlene Morgan Fund for Emerging Leaders.