Foundation Scholarships Awarded
Over $30,000 in scholarships and awards from endowed funds at the Foundation were awarded to seniors at the Bexley High School Senior Recognition event held on May 24. Scholarships ranged from $500 to $2,000 and each senior who received a departmental award/cup received $250.
Endowed scholarship funds at the Foundation include:
American Legion Post 430/Michael Thrush Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bexley Alumni Association Endowment Fund (in honor of Barbara Babbitt Hysell)
David Elliott Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charles Hoel Memorial Science Prize Endowment
Rhodena Masys Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jeremy C. McCamic Family Foundation Fund
Sandra Montgomery (Class of 1955) Memorial Scholarship Fund
John and JoAnn Rohyans Sustainability Endowment
Barbara and Joseph Schwebel “Top Ten” Scholarship Fund
Eli Weinstock Memorial Scholarship Fund
A scholarship fund at our foundation can be seeded for $10,000 and is fully funded at $25,000. To learn more about establishing a scholarship endowment fund to honor a loved one or family legacy, contact Pam Glasgow at or call (614) 338-2093.